
Since the object is to look as feminine as possible, even "ultra-feminine". Selection of clothing is important.

We TV's usually find the female image something to imitate and even worship because we find this image stimulating and attractive. It is this factor which makes us differ from the homosexual, who, by and large, finds only the MALE image attractive.

Our emphasis is on looking, feminine, attractive and therefore..SEXY. A typical TV would want some or all of the following:-

heels - as high as he could manage, preferably stilettos, ankle straps are ideal with open toes and heels (sandals).

Stockings and suspenders - TIGHTS ARE OUT for the TV.

Skirts/dresses - short if you have the legs for them.

Tops - sheer or shiny are good as long as they harmonize with your outfit.

Bra - suitable size necessary.

All the above should be frilly, lacy and of sexy material. There are, of course, many other items but these are the "basics".

None of these items will be satisfactory on unshaven legs, chests arms etc. You need to be smooth and ultra-clean

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