Most of we TV's discover an attraction to female clothing at an early age.
It may have been the sight of a sister's clothes, maybe our mother or even a girlfriend.
We have found an eroticism that attracts us and makes us wonder what it would be like to wear them.
Many males have done so and some have found it does nothing for them - we TV's have found that it does.
You may feel guilty about this, question your own sexuality or feel confused.
We have all been there!
Let me reassure you - you are not very unusual, you are not homosexual, you are not perverted.
You have two choices:-
Remember that dressing is a private activity, it is no one else's business, it is normally perfectly harmless.
Being a private activity it should be for your enjoyment and satisfaction and should NOT be inflicted on the general public.
Dress alone or with others who have the same interest.
Do not expect most females to understand or have much sympathy with your desires. After all why should you expect this? A female perceives you as a male and wants to view you as such. She does not want her femininity to be challenged by a male. SHE IS RARELY PSYCHOLOGICALLY EQUIPPED TO COPE WITH THIS.. Best advice - do not try.
There are many terms bandied about by males who have this interest, for example:-
transgendered - TG
transvestite - TV
cross-dresser - CD
There are many arguments about exactly what these terms mean and, in my opinion, there never will be agreement.
For the purpose of my web site, and as generally accepted definitions, the following will suffice:-
TG = a male who is convinced he was born the wrong gender. In other words he feels "he" should be "she". Generally a TG will have the ambition of some sort of permanent transformation - e.g. hormones and/or surgery. He will usually deny any sexual motive.
TV - a male who likes to look like a female and who makes every effort to look feminine and convincing. He wants to have this ability to use whenever it suits him or the mood takes him. It is largely for sexual stimulation and satisfaction.
CD - a male who likes to wear female clothes - primarily underwear but does not have the ability or desire to look feminine. Again largely sexual motives.
It really does not matter how you describe yourself but my interest is in assisting only those who are TV as defined above.
How I can help..............Page 3